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Collaboration beyond European Borders

Created by Leticia Martínez |

EURADA has initiated a collaboration with AMSDE, the Mexican Association of State Secretaries, in order to bolster new channels of communication…

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REGIOSTAR Awards 2021

Created by EURADA |

Application Deadline: 9 May


The European Commission has announced that the REGIOSTARS Awards, the annual competition convened by the Directorate…

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Brokerage Event Registration and Participant Profile

Created by Julia Colomer |

As you might know, EURADA are organising the sixth edition of the Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies, which will take place on the 25th of March.…

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SCALE UP at EU Industry week 2021


The strengthening of the business fabric from a multi-faceted approach while assisting SMEs to recover as well as remain competitive is a challenge…

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Circular Economy training

Created by Owen Brown |

In the words of the European Parliament, “The circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing,…

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ELIIT Project - Second Call for Proposal

Created by Julia Colomer |

The last 25th of January the second call for proposal of The European Light Industries Innovation and Technology project  (ELIIT) funded by the COSME…

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The system of Regional Development Agencies in Italy

Created by Andrea Carini |

In Italy, the role of RDAs has gradually grown in the last decades, alongside the increasing legislative autonomy obtained by the regions from the…

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ADERLY amongst its peers

Created by Cédric GRIGNARD |

ADERLY/Invest in Lyon, whose mission has been to promote the economic development of Lyon region to ensure its visibility and its positioning on a…

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