Traditionally held in the premises of EURADA in Brussels, the annual summer course is a 2 day event which provides participants the platform to gain knowledge and exchange experiences in order to learn more about what they can do for the organisations and regional development agencies they represent. However, for the 2nd year in a row, the summer course will be held online. The online setup will no doubt bring some pros and cons but perhaps an important benefit of this is the unlimited possibility of learning and interaction among participants from not only within Europe, but from all over the world.
Aside from being held online, another important deviation from tradition is that the activities of the 2021 summer course edition will span two days, between the 14th and 15th of July 2021.
Click here to register and join both days of the summer course! Participation is free of charge.
During the first day of the course, participants will be treated to the knowledge and expertise of colleagues from ADR Nord-Est, one of Eurada’s members from Romania as they lead the sessions of the day. Entitled “EU projects ready: Tips, tricks, and trends to follow in 2021”, they will give participants a theoretical vision of regional development agencies, marketing and partnerships, and the organization and planning of EU-funded projects. Mr. Cédric Grignard from ADERLY will also share his experience in leading FDI & EU projects. As the course is meant to be a learning and dynamic experience, participants will be encouraged to voice their opinions on the presented topics as several breakout rooms will be prepared to allow for dialogue and debate.
The 2nd day of the course will focus more on the “Aspects of Project Management” through practical activities and exercises which participants can use as examples of what daily organizational and project tasks may look like. Eurada and EUIPO staff as well as a Eurada member representative from ACCIÓ will cover topics such as leading a project, intellectual property, budget management, communication and online events organization, and proposal writing. Mock exercises and materials will give participants a first-hand immersion and experience in dealing with the abovementioned topics.
Overall, the 2-day course will give participants the chance to interact with EU project officers managing ongoing projects and experienced consultants who can provide useful advice. Furthermore, the mock proposals and materials which participants will work on could ideally lead to new project ideas or facilitate networking between the working consortiums in order to prepare actual proposals.
We hope to see you in this upcoming edition of the Summer Course! If you would like to present your experiences in next year’s Summer Course or you have suggestions for us (i.e. specific topics you’d like to see covered next time), don’t hesitate to get in touch through info(at) and let us know.
More information:
Watch the 2020 edition of the summer course through the links below!
Day 1: Soft skills in managing European projects & Fast track on becoming a force multiplier in dealing with projects
Day 2: Aspects of project management
Day 3: Calls, tenders and other opportunities