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Online event - ENergy TRANsitions from Coal and carbon: Effects on Societies

"Co-creating knowledge on carbon-intensive regions in transition: EU Policy and Scientific approaches"

Online from Brussels, 10th June 2021, from 11h00 to 15h30 CET

EURADA is organizing the co-creation meeting next 10th of June from 11h00 to 15h30 (CET). This meeting is promoted by ENTRANCES, a Horizon 2020 project that aims to develop a deeper understanding of cross-cutting societal issues related to the “Clean Energy Transition” in 13 European coal and carbon-intensive regions, and EURADA takes part of it.  

The main objective of this meeting is to trigger and help drive dialogue to ensure that the results of the ENTRANCES project support EU policies, produce policy recommendations to tackle the multiple challenges faced by communities and contribute to bridging the current knowledge gap for supporting the re- territorialization of regions and territories that risk staying behind in the transition towards clean energy. 

Among the participants in the session are representatives of the European Commission, European and International coal and carbon-intensive regions, European researchers and academics, several Regional Development Agencies and members of EURADA. Regional Development Agencies play a fundamental role in the search for alternative economic activities and employment, and in the talent attraction and investments to these regions that are suffering the effects of the stoppage of economic activities related to carbon production. It is through these agencies that the European Union can really work on local and regional issues. 

The experts from these development agencies have much to contribute to this dialogue divided into the morning session, where the recent impacts of the EU policies and the ENTRANCES project will be discussed; and the afternoon session, which will be focused on the exchange of experiences among European and International coal and carbon-intensive regions in transition and among European research projects focused on these issues. 

Through this high-level meeting, they will have the unique chance to indicate their needs to design policies that reduce the socio-economic impact of the transition to clean energy. From EURADA we highly believe this meeting may be the beginning of big changes for the ecological transition.