From Specialisation to Transformation? The future of S3s amid uncertain times
EURADA launches its new think tank activities with a discussion paper examining five key dimensions of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3). Authored by Francesco Molica, the paper reflects on the role of S3 within the evolving EU competitiveness agenda, its ability to leverage diverse funding sources, its connection to the conditionality mechanism, the scope for policy experimentation, and the broadening of its strategic focus.
The EURADA Think Tank serves as a platform for dialogue on regional development and innovation, with the view to fostering insights and debate among policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. This discussion paper series is one of the main strands addressing critical issues in territorial innovation strategies and policy implementation. Another strand involves meetings and events, which will see for instance the organisation of an event on the future of cohesion policy on 17 March.
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Interregional Innovation Investment (I3) Initiative
This document reflects the opinion of EURADA and the members in the context of the public consultation on the Interregional Innovation Investment (I3) Initiative. This instrument seeks to help actors involved in smart specialisation strategies to cluster together, scale up and bring innovation to the European market, with an indicative budget of € 500 million. EURADA and the members welcome the I3 Initiative proposed by the European Commission, remarking that the new instrument should: be oriented to private companies; have structures that integrate all regions, including from non-EU countries; stimulate synergies in ESIF, and perhaps beyond.
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Innovation Ecosystems
The purpose of this document is to present ideas to improve European regional innovation ecosystems. This position paper is a part of the strategic planning consultation process of the European Commission to design a programme aimed at improving innovation ecosystems’ connectiveness within the 3rd Pillar of the Horizon Europe programme. At this stage of the policymaking process, the Horizon Europe programme will likely have a budget of €500 million for the period 2021-2027.
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Cohesion Policy
The importance of cohesion policy for our members and their societies, on which they have a positive and tangible impact, cannot be underestimated. For our members, cohesion policy is much more than a policy which dictates the allocation of funds and this is why this paper will make suggestions for its future improvement.
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This document reflects the opinion of EURADA in the context of the public consultation on the COSME programme. COSME is the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs, running from 2014 to 2020, with a budget of €2.3billion. EURADA’s overall assessment of the COSME programme is positive. In general, professionals of development agencies agree on the relevance of providing access to finance to private enterprises, facilitating access to markets, establishing a more favorable environment to do business, reducing administrative burden and fostering entrepreneurship.
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Smart Specialisation Consultation
This document reflects the opinion of EURADA in the context of the public consultation on Smart Specialisation (S3) of the European Commission. There is a consensus among economic development practitioners about the suitability of the S3 tool to engage a multiplicity of stakeholders in a common transformation agenda. The process is inclusive, bottom-up and brings new actors to a shared decision process that is relevant for the economic growth of the countries and regions.
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