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LYON, BERLIN and ROTTERDAM joining forces to tackle the Talent challenge faced by European SMEs under the EU-funded project TALENT


Gathering 3 European economic development and innovation agencies, ADERLY – Invest in Lyon (member of EURADA Board of Directors with Cédric Grignard part of its Executive Committee), Berlin Partner and Rotterdam Partners, the EU-funded project-based Consortium aims to share best practices on issues of attraction, retention and development of 'Talent' for the benefit of SMEs in their respective areas of influence.


With a starting date on March 1, 2021, the project kicked-started May 18 with the first workshop led by ADERLY (out of a series of 3, each one led by one City) to discuss the topic. The project runs on a 12-month duration period with an overall budget of €50k, as part of the European Commission-funded program Horizon 2020.

The outcomes of the EU-funded TALENT project shall be compiled and aggregated in a methodology paper, sharing the conclusions, the lessons learned, and the initiatives that can be replicated elsewhere in Europe, taking the European Commission-suggested format of a Design Option Paper.

EURADA and its team supported the Consortium TALENT Project application with its expertise, providing advice, read-proofing the application and sharing its feedback to improve the quality of the TALENT project.


More info about the project

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