Commissioning of a wind turbine at the ZAE des Hauts-Sarts in Liege
We want to share an important step for green transition at regional level from one of our members, SOGEPA from Belgium. They have commissioned a wind…
Piippo Bales Service Business into New Growth
We are pleased to share this business growth of Piippo Oyj, a company that is part of the GoGlobal programme launched by Business Joensuu, a member of…
RDA Centru to benefit from OECD technical assistance to increase capacity for strategic planning and facilitating innovation
Together with the other 7 similar institutions in Romania and with the support of DG REFORM, RDA Centru, member of EURADA, is going to participate in…
IVACE launches find your market, a new international market selection tool
Our member, IVACE, has launched this week “Find your market”, a new self-diagnostic tool for the selection of international markets. One more time,…
The Principality sets up the first open innovation laboratory in Gijón for corporations, business clusters and startups
The Government of Asturias will set up the first open innovation laboratory in the Principality of Asturias in Gijón which will be managed by our…
RIC Gabrovo became a contact point of the I4MS initiative
Our member, RIC Gabrovo (Regional Innovation Center Ambitious Gabrovo) has become a contact point of “Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs” (I4MS), one…
Learning from global leaders on how to leverage IP to grow high-tech businesses
Article written by Giacomo Frisanco - Project and Communication officer at EURADA
The High-growth technology business (HTB) forums will present and…
EU Industry Days. EU regions towards a climate-neutral industry: transition challenges
Article written by Roxana Chiriac - Intern at EURADA
Between 8-11 February, EURADA was pleased to be present at the EU Industry Days. The EU…