Digital Innovation Zone is the first digital innovation hub in the Northeast Region of Romania, initiative promoted by the ADR north east (Northeast Regional Development Agency) since June 2019, which based on the commitment of several public and private entities in the region, with experience in scale innovation and digital solutions, has become a recognized structure at European level. The main purpose of the hub is to provide SMEs and public institutions with support and access to a wide and diverse network of technological, digital and funding resources for the digitization, automation and delivery of innovative services and products.
In April 2016, the European Commission launched the European Industry Digitization Strategy (IED) to strengthen the EU's competitiveness in digital technologies, allocating more than € 100 million to the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH). Until 2019, in Romania, at national level there were only 4 IHLs, of which only 2 functional, registered on the European map. There are none in the Northeast Region. Until 2019, in North-East Romania there weren´t any DIH. In November 2020, it is selected by the Romanian Digitization Authority, as the regional HUB representative for the European competition of EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hubs) from the Digital Europe program.
We want to showcase this success story, after graft years the facts speak for themselves, today the Digital Innovation Zone of our member, is recognise as a complex and complete structure, an ecosystem with all the necessary components to support the process of digital transformation of companies and public institutions in the region. Congratulations to our member!
Find the whole news and find more detail about how they accomplished it