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EURADA Awards 2021 Winners

by Marta Tejerina García


On the 22nd of April, EURADA celebrated the EURADA Awards Ceremony for 2021. Every year the Awards recognise best…

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EURADA's Summer Course comes to an end

The second and last day of the 2021 Summer Course began with two presentations of EURADA members: the Agency for Enterprise Competitiveness (ACCIÓ)…

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Back to school: First day at EURADA's online Summer Course

The first day of our Summer Course was led by the EURADA member ADR Nord-Est, the Regional Development Agency of the North-Eastern region of Romania.…

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3rd Smart Heritage Cities Working Group Meeting: Public-Private Partnerships

On the 28th of June 2021, the 3rd meeting of the Smart Heritage Cities working group, established in the framework of the POCITYF project, was held.…

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EU outermost regions cooperate to foster research and innovation

Article written by Giacomo Frisanco – Project and Communication officer at EURADA


The European Union has nine outermost regions (ORs), which are…

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Provide comments on the proposed Climate, Energy and Environmental State aid Guidelines

By Julia Colomer  


The European Commission has opened a new public consultation on the revised Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines.…

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Paper on Innovation Challenge design canvas

By Delia Rujing XU


Open Innovation means searching and finding crucial ideas and solutions to technological and business problems by tapping into…

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Intermediate Results of the OBEC Project

By Owen Brown


The OBEC Project - Together with our Croatian member SIMORA, recently awarded for being the best development agency of the year…

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