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Find out about all the new European programmes with funding!

By  Julia Colomer



The new financial support framework has come not only with new programmes but also with more funds. The EC launched the NextGeneration EU which offers plenty of funding opportunities listed by heading, cluster, and programme or fund.

Funding opportunities financed through the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and NextGenerationEU 

One of the important topics is the Single Market, Innovation and Digital Europe whose objective is to step up investment in areas such as research and innovation, digital transformation, strategic infrastructure, and the single market, as they will be key to unlocking future growth. You can find many programmes on this topic such as: Horizon Europe, InvestEU, Digital Europe Programme, among others where you can make the most of the funding opportunities. 

Another important topic is Cohesion and Values supporting economic recovery and resilience, and other increasingly important goals such as youth, the creative sector, values, equality and the rule of law wherein you can find many opportunities in the programmes such as European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Cohesion Fund (CF), REACT-EU, Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps. A very important issue is Natural Resources & Environment. The EC has launched opportunities for these topics through different programmes such as the European agricultural guarantee fund (EAGF), European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD), European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund, Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE), Just Transition Fund

It is possible to find more relevant issues in which the regions can be involved in Migration & Border Management through different programmes such as Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and Integrated Border Management Fund

The EC has also launched different opportunities in the field of Security & Defence and Neighbourhood & the World through the European Defence Fund. There are many opportunities for every organisation across Europe and it is important to take and make the most of them in order to create a stronger and equitable Europe. From EURADA’s side we are happy to help you with the creation or search of different partnerships across Europe or anything you might need in order to be involved in different European projects. 

You can find all the information about European programmes and its projects by clicking here.