Mikel Landabaso (Director Growth and Innovation, JRC) and Thomas Wobben (Director Legislative Works, CoR) will talk about the features of the Pilot and discuss any questions.
Please remember that the deadline for expressions of interest in the PRI Pilot Call is on the April 25th. Click here to know more about the call details and information.
The webinar will be based on the following agenda:
- 12:00: Introduction to Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI), Thomas Wobben (CoR);
- 12:05: JRC support to the PRI Call and Pilot, Mikel Landabaso, JRC;
- 12:10: Q&As from regions and member states;
- 13:00: End of meeting.
Every member state, region or group of regions that are interested in expanding their collaboration opportunities for collective action are strongly encouraged to actively participate in this webinar. The pilot call on PRI is a unique opportunity to build stronger and fairer economies and societies with the help from European Commission experts on smart specialisation.
Join the discussion on Webex online by clicking this link tomorrow at 12:00 CEST.
In case of technical problems, you may also join the meeting here, providing the following meeting number and password:
- Meeting number (access code): 274 000 59476;
- Meeting password: 6SXkCFd9F3* (67952339 from phones).