As a partner of this initiative, IDEPA, facilitates the promotion of initiatives in sectors linked to the Asturias Smart Specialisation Strategy. In fact, the building is named AS5 in reference to the five areas of this regional strategy. Therefore, special attention will be paid to sectors linked to agri-food, energy and circularity, active and healthy aging, heritage and biodiversity, and smart and resilient industry.
The AS5-HUB building, located in the Science and Technology Park of the “Milla del Conocimiento”, will serve as an incubator and accelerator of innovative activity, and will have the support of large companies such as Microsoft, Futjitsu, Axa or Broker and the presence of business clusters. The Regional Ministry of Science, Innovation and University has made this building available as a headquarters for clusters and hubs or nodes of companies, and start-ups or small innovative companies. In addition, the building will be a meeting point for tractor companies and large corporations, which will have space available for activities.
This new project managed by IDEPA, boost the green and digital transition promoting the global Smart Specialisation Strategy in which global ecosystems are working at a interregional level.