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The New European Bauhaus 2021---Submit your design!

The New European Bauhaus initiative, a creative and interdisciplinary movement in the making, connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces. It calls on all Europeans to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future. We in Eurada believe this initiative will bring about a change in perspective in order for us to look at our green and digital challenges as opportunities to transform our lives for the better.

To accelerate the green transition and contribute to the recovery, the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2021 encourages people to capitalise on the existing wealth of knowledge, experience and capacities to call for new visions, ideas and solutions.  

There will be prizes in 10 different categories. In each of the categories there are two parallel competition strands: the New European Bauhaus Awards and the New European Bauhaus Rising Stars. The winners in the New European Bauhaus Awards category will receive EUR  30 000 and a communication package while , the New European Bauhaus Rising Stars winner will receive EUR 15 000 and a communication package. 

Applications may be submitted by the individual(s) and the organization(s) entitled to represent the initiative. Joint applications are allowed. The application shall contain an explanation on the role of the applicant entity(-ies) in the project. The applications for the New European Bauhaus Rising Stars may be presented by individuals or groups of individuals aged 30 and below. Applicants can be EU or non-EU residents, if their project/idea is or will be developed and implemented in the EU. Applications may be modified if they are in draft mode. 

The deadline for submissions is on 31 May 2021. 

To apply, visit the dedicated platform