Due to the COVID-19 outbreak the European Commission adapted the funds still available from the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds and implemented the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative, entered on the 24th of March 2020 to provide Member States with immediate liquidity to finance investments. Moreover, on the 1st of May, new provisions entered as Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative Plus" (CRII+), which introduced additional exceptional flexibility measures such as the transfers across the three cohesion policy funds (ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund) and between the different categories of regions, more flexibility with regard to thematic concentration, and the possibility for a 100% EU co-financing rate. These new provisions entered into force on 1 May 2020.
Now is the beginning of the new REACT-EU programme to release €47.5 billion through structural funds, targeted at the hardest hit member states and regions.
Through these measures facing the crisis, the success of this new flexibility in the policies has been showed. For these reasons, the COTER Commission of the European Committee of the Regions, as a consultant body on cohesion policy would like to have more information from the representatives of local and regional authorities (officials, politicians or other), managing authorities of Structural Funds Operational Programmes, as well as to other stakeholders at local and regional level who are concerned by Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative (CRII & CRII+) and REACT-EU.
The Committee of the Regions is an advisory body. It means that gives voice to the regions. Therefore, it is important to take 15 minutes and fill the survey in, to give the feedback from your side and visibility to the regions and their actors since the results of this survey will feed into the political work of the COTER Commission.
You can find the survey and more information here. If you might need any further information or support from EURADA’s side, do not hesitate to contact our colleague Julia COLOMER.