This year’s Annual IURC Event edition will take place online. Registrations are now open, simply click on this LINK TO REGISTER, and select “Join Event”. If you don’t have an Hopin account yet, please make sure that you select the option “Create new account” when you register. Please do not use the “Continue as guest” option.
During the event, you will have the opportunity to learn about the European priorities for cities and regions in the framework of the programme, hear about successful stories from different stakeholders and learn about the doors that IURC can open for you. We will then split in different rooms - the Thematic Networks parallel sessions - where we will deep dive into the IURC thematic clusters and you will get the chance to meet other cities & regions sharing the same challenges and interests.
Don’t miss this occasion to connect with participants from the Americas on 23rd November and with the Asian and Australasian counterparts on 24th November:
23rd November 2021 – 14:10 – 18:15 CET (For participants in Europe, Latin America & North America - With simultaneous interpretation - English / Spanish / Portuguese)
24th November 2021 – 09:00 – 12:30 CET (For participants in Europe, Asia & Australasia - With simultaneous interpretation - English / Chinese / Japanese)
Not sure how to register? Please take a look at this SHORT VIDEO ON HOW TO REGISTER.