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EURADA training opportunities

Article written by Tessa Anne - manager at EURADA


During the coming weeks, EURADA is involved in several training actions that will be relevant to many of our members, ranging from how to become an experimental development agency over a MOOC on territorial attractiveness to a practical training on blockchain, circular economy and business planning.

Upgrade your skills for a changing labour market: sustainable entrepreneurship and business planning (8-10 March and 15-17 March, 9:00 – 13:00 CET)

In the framework of the Erasmus+ project OBEC (One Block for Educational Credentials), EURADA is organising a free online course aimed at teaching new skills and competences for (self-)employment in a changing labour market.   

From 8-10 March, our first lesson “Create your business idea and plan” will look at the importance of building a great business plan and all the relevant data needed to draw up such a document. We are happy to announce that our former director Christian Saublens will provide an in-depth look at investment readiness during this lesson. Moreover, experienced entrepreneurs will provide hands-on tips and advice for successful pitches to potential investors.

Between 15-17 March, our lesson “Working in a Circular Economy” will illustrate why a transition towards a circular economy is necessary, and how you can upskill your CV to meet the growing demand for skills related to this transition. This lesson is also aimed at (potential) entrepreneurs who wish to make their businesses more circular and profit from the benefits associated with it. This lesson will feature contributions from experts in the field of circular economy as well as valuable insights from owners and founders of circular businesses. 

Participants can sign up for one or both lessons, entirely free of charge. Moreover, upon successful completion of one or both lessons, participants will receive a blockchain educational credential in recognition of the competences acquired during the training. Course materials as well as instructions for the educational platform will be provided once registered.  

Click here to register to this free online course.


EURADA-IGL training programme on how to become an experimental development agency (March – December 2022)

EURADA, in cooperation with the Innovation Growth Lab (led by NESTA), will be organising a programme of 9 sessions aimed at teaching project managers in European development agencies how they can better support innovation and growth policies through experimental approaches. In this programme you will learn basic skills and techniques to make your agency more experimental and evidence-based. You will learn the direct benefits of running randomised experiments but also how the ethos behind this approach has much wider applications. The nine sessions take place approximately once a month, from March to December 2022.

On Thursday 27 January, IGL and EURADA hosted the introductory presentation to the training programme. You can access the recording of the session through the following link.

Click here for more detailed information about the programme such as the content of the sessions and information on the instructors. Seats are limited, so don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity to develop your professional skills and book your attendance asap!


MOOC sur l’attractivité et le marketing territorial (7 March – 2 April)

CNER, the French federation of regional development agencies is organising a  French-spoken Massive Open Online Course on the different aspects of territorial attractiveness, the issues it raises as well as the tools and levers for concrete actions that can respond to them. This MOOC is aimed at economic development professionals within different structures: economic development agencies, tourism, innovation agencies, urban planning agencies, competitiveness clusters and technology parks, CCI, economic services, attractiveness and international communities, consultants and communication agencies specializing in territorial marketing/attractiveness, future professionals in economic development.

This MOOC consists of 4 sessions at the rate of one session per week for 4 weeks. Each session includes training videos, a quiz, additional documents and a discussion forum.

Lesson Plan:

  1. Definitions, methods, strategy and governance
  2. Tourist attractiveness: leisure and business tourism
  3. Economic attractiveness: companies and talents
  4. Specific attractiveness: rural territories

The participation in a quiz  (at least 50% + of answers correct) after each of the sessions results in a certificate of successful completion at the end of the course.

Click here for more information and registration.


Massive Open Online Course on Interreg (7 March to 24 April)

The European Commission, in conjunction with a consortium led by the University of Strasbourg is launching a Massive Open Online Course on European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg). This MOOC is targeted at academia, practitioners of territorial cooperation, organisations wishing to promote cross-border cooperation and any member of the public with an interest in European integration.

This online course, in English, is divided into four chapters and will provide you with an exhaustive overview on territorial cooperation in Europe:

  • The first chapter will guide you through the foundations of territorial cooperation by questioning its origins, its evolution and its theoretical framework since its development after the end of the Second World War.
  • A second chapter will depict the existing European policies in the field of territorial cooperation: Interreg, Neighbourhood Policy, Macro-regional strategies, etc., with the goal of analysing decision-making procedures, their implementation, their geographical dimensions and their impact.
  • In the third one, a thematic approach is being proposed. For each of the 5 identified topics (health, spatial planning, environment, culture, mobility), you will be able discover how they have been tackled at the local level, to which cooperation needs they responded and how the different stakeholders intervened and interacted (multi-level-governance).
  • Finally, a fourth chapter will explain how territorial cooperation is concretely implemented by local stakeholders, which difficulties they encounter and which means and tools were activated in order to overcome them.

Each course is composed of several sequences, which are complementary and contain several videos, thought-provoking learning material, case-studies and stakeholders’ interviews. The MOOC will take place during a 6-week-period with an average learning investment of approximately 3 hours per week.

At the end of the curriculum, certifications will be issued to participants:

  • for attendance to 50% of the course (Statement of Participation).
  • for completion of at least 90% of the course (Certificate of Achievement).
  • for success of at least 60% of the tests (Certificate of Success).

Registrations are open. The first session starts on 7th March 2022, and will last 6 weeks until the 24th April 2022.