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Back to school: First day at EURADA's online Summer Course

The first day of our Summer Course was led by the EURADA member ADR Nord-Est, the Regional Development Agency of the North-Eastern region of Romania. The group of experts form this development agency made a diverse and engaging set of presentations on the neuroscience of partnerships, marketing your organisation within the EU bubble, the importance of organisational culture, and graphic design for promoting projects.

Multiple breakout rooms were used to discuss the presentations, in which an expert for ADR Nord-East moderated and was in charge of keeping a fluent communication between the participants. Hard and soft skills in the work environment were discussed, as well as the European bubble and what it is like to work with European Projects and “culture eats strategy for breakfast”, meaning that a powerful and empowering culture is a surer route to organizational success and strategy is an important part of it. 

It was a fantastic opportunity for young professionals working in the field of regional economic development to acquire knowledge and develop some practical skills useful for preparing high quality project proposals for RDAs. 

If you enjoyed today’s course, please do not hesitate to join the second day of EURADA’s Summer Course tomorrow at 9:00. Over 100 people are registered and it’s still not too late to sign up, or to join if you registered but were unable to attend the first day. 

See you there!