Recently, we at Eurada had the opportunity to welcome a committee of people from Tarragona, Spain. The group was led by Carme Ferrer, representative of Occupation and Entrepreneurship of Diputació de Tarragona, the city council of the town. Alongside her came Dolors Micola, Pere Rodríguez and Sandra Suárez from the Occupation and Entrepreneurship department of the aforementioned council. We also had the opportunity to welcome, representing Fundación Finnova, Alberto Navarro, Head of Training and Employment, and Marina Bassas, an intern for the foundation. Fundación Finnova is a co-organizer, alongside Diputació de Tarragona, of the GENIUS internship program.
The purpose of their visit was to meet with Joan Quintana, one of our interns in the Communication department, and our director Esteban Pelayo. The committee came to Brussels to visit members of the internship at their respective workplaces. During their visit to our premises, the committee was introduced to what Eurada is and what we do. We also discussed Joan’s work plan and progress with us, as well as other matters related to the region of Tarragona. Eurada is no foreigner to the Catalan region, since ACCIO, the Agency for Business Competitiveness of the Catalan government, is one of our members.
Organised by Diputació de Tarragona alongside Fundación Finnova, the GENIUS internship program has the aim to take people from the region to the city of Brussels to be interns for a few months in an organisation that meets their professional profile. After that period, the program takes them back to Tarragona to spend another few months in an entity in the area to implement what they have learnt from the experience abroad in projects related to the development of their region.
It was a pleasure for us to meet with the people from Diputació de Tarragona and Fundación Finnova. After this first encounter, we at Eurada are open to collaborating with them by hosting other interns in the future and with any matter where we can be of help.