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EURADA joins the Just Transition Platform Horizontal Working Group

by Maite Fernández-Aliseda Tolosa


EURADA delightedly announces that its network has extended after being selected to be part of the core members of the Just Transition Platform (JTP) Working Group on Horizontal Stakeholder Strategy. The JTP assists EU counties and regions by providing knowledge to access the support of the Just Transition Mechanism. EURADA will now provide its members with firsthand information about funding opportunities, regulatory updates or sector specific initiatives concerning the just transition.

On November, the JTP celebrated its fourth Coal Regions Virtual Week and Carbon-intensive Regions Seminar - an open session that can be accessed online. There are four working groups within the JTP: steel, cement, chemicals and the Horizontal Stakeholder Strategy one, where EURADA participates as a member. During this seminar, the objectives of the four JTP Working Groups were highlighted: problem-solving, advocacy and stakeholder inclusion though a multi-level & multi-stakeholder governance approach with a common just transition vision.

Hence, the JTP Horizontal Stakeholder Strategy Working Group, of which EURADA is now a member, will focus on the identification and assessment of approaches and good practices to engage all stakeholder groups. On the other hand, the other three JTP Working Groups (steel, cement, and chemicals) will have a thematic focus on carbon-intensive sectors, with the objective of developing practical solutions to ensure fair decarbonization.

Twenty different institutions have been selected to form part of the JTP Horizontal Working Group. This group aims to represent national, local and regional governments, together with academia and civil society. Overall, the four groups are coordinated within the Just Transition Platform, which aims to assist stakeholders in the usage of the Just Transition Mechanism and the Just Transition Fund.

Moreover, the JTP Horizontal Working Group has also gathered in a closed session where the common purpose of the four JTP Working Groups was discussed. In addition, introductory discussions were held on the direction of the Horizontal Working Group. Interestingly enough, the work of the working groups will prove essential to complete one of the goals of the JTP: to provide project and expert databases so stakeholders can be guided to relevant knowledge, evaluations and project examples. In this way, it is expected that an expert network will be created for the benefit of EU countries, regions, agencies and stakeholders. EURADA will me more than willing to take part in such a crucial endeavor, encouraging our members to seize this opportunity.

Currently, EURADA actively takes part in four expert groups and one working group (JTP) hosted by the European Commission. Apart from the JTP Horizontal Stakeholder Strategy Working Group, EURADA is active in the Small Business Act (SBA) follow up Expert Group, the Network of SME Envoys (E02666) expert group, the Interregional Innovation Investments Commission Expert Group (E03767), and the Dialogue with Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) partners 2021-2027 Expert Group (E03802).

EURADA strives to make its members get the ultimate up-to date information concerning any advancements in the sectorial topics of each working or expert group. By encouraging our members to attend to the sessions that each of the groups currently holds, EURADA wants to bring policy-making updates closer to our members. In this way, EURADA wants to draw the opportunities and advantages presented by the European ecosystem closer to our members.

Concerning the future steps of the JTP Horizontal Working Group, a needs assessment will be drafted together with a scoping paper during the beginning of next year. EURADA will now work together with the core members of the JTP Horizontal Working Group to identify and assess the approaches and good practices to engage all stakeholder groups. In this way, EURADA will keep its members informed throughout the future valuable steps of the JTP Horizontal Working Group.


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