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EURADA Awards Ceremony 2021

On the 22nd of April, the EURADA Awards Ceremony 2021 was held. Every year, the Awards recognizes and celebrates best practices carried out by European Development Agencies. Our president, Roberta Dall’Olio, opened the event and congratulated the winners of this year’s edition. Ida Prosperi (SVIM) moderated the ceremony.

Mario Celan, Representative and Director of SIMORA, Development Agency of Sisak-Moslavina county (Croatia) gave the acceptance speech on behalf of the organization as they were awarded the Best Development Agency of 2021. SIMORA has brought innovation to the gaming industry with their candidature “Becoming a gaming expert - capacities upskilling”.  

In this edition of the awards, the jury decided to give special recognition to 3 RDAs who have proven their commitment to excellence. The first one was awarded to INFO - Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia (Spain) for their project “inDemand. Together for better health”. In the same category, the effort of CEIN - Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Navarra (Spain) in the field of health was also recognized through their practice, "Itinerary of health entrepreneurship at CEIN". The third special mention was awarded to ZAFER Development Agency (Kütahya, Turkey) for their practice entitled “ZAFER-INOperation: Improving the Adaptability of Employers and Employees in TR33 Region”. 

Following the acceptance speeches, a Round Table was organized to express comments from representatives of Associations of Development Agencies. These representatives introduced their associations and talked about the best practices carried out by development agencies in their region. 

Afterwards, our Vice President Bogdan Chelariu from ADR Nord East (Romania) wrapped up and concluded the event. 

We in EURADA would like to thank everyone for your participation and a big congratulations to all the winners!