In the case, the Hellenic FIWARE iHub located in Athens presented an interesting experiment of using IoT to monitor the production of table olives.
Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) are one of the main instruments for the transformation of traditional companies. They are spread all over the European Union. The aim is to provide regional support close to the companies. Most of the European development agencies are playing a direct role (as promoters or partners) in these digital innovation hubs, which are at the basis of the economic growth of the next decade.
As EURADA mentioned during the presentation, DIHs work as nodes of a network that it is being consolidated. The H2020 project DIH-World is helping over 55 DIHs to work closer to companies. Additionally, EURADA is extending the network and we are promoting a call for proposals to select 14 SME+DIH experiments that will receive a non-refundable project grant of 95.000 EUR. the call will close on 28 June.
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