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Creative Collaborations for the Future

RRA LUR, Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana and member of EURADA, has recently shared the “Publication Creative Collaborations for the Future”, a summary of the main topics and learnings from the last COCO4CCI conference they organized, initiative launched by the Interreg Central Europe organisation.

COCO4CCI, which stands for “Collaboration Collider for Cultural and Creative Industries”, is a project aimed to build capacities for cross-sectoral cooperation in advanced manufacturing (AVM), by creating a transnational CCI (Culture and Creative Industry) sector collider network. The program will train facilitators who will implement an extensive online and face-to-face training programme for CCI in three areas: technology development, future trends and mindset in advanced manufacturing.

One of the main focuses of COCO4CCI initiative is to bring creative industries and non-creative industries closer. In that sense, RRA LUR has built their own conference around this challenge. They searched for key players and experts all across Europe that are willing to share their insights, concepts and learnings. During this process they realized how much the principles of the New European Bauhaus initiative by the European Commission feed into the core of COCO4CCI. The goal to bring creatives, artists, business people and engineers together to work on a brighter, more sustainable future is the common denominator in both programmes. The selected speakers share their insights to cross-domain collaboration, cross innovation hubs, designing safe creative spaces and building innovative architecture. And they demonstrate how collaboration between creatives and the manufacturing sector does not only impact the economy, but also culture and society.

Through the publication report about the conference “Creative Collaborations for the Future” they want to showcase the outcomes of the initiative up today and support the idea of establishing change and policy recommendations to build a beneficial and balance ecosystem between industries. From EURADA, we couldn´t agree more with our member RRA LUR and we think RDAs have a changing role in this matter.

Find here the news and the publication to read how far the movement has grown.