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Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies

Last month on the 25th of March, the sixth edition of the Brokerage event for Innovation Agencies took place with great success. Overall, over 200 participants took part in the event, many in a highly active way.

As every year for the past 6 years, EURADA organised the Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies again in 2021. Although this year the event was online, the success of the event could be measured not only by the great number of participants, more than 200, but also by the number of speakers, which totalled 36. The event started with our President Roberta DALL'OLIO giving a brief overview of the importance of this kind of event, since having a strong network and synergies nowadays can boost our companies, especially while entering the new European 2021-2027 funding framework with plenty opportunities to become part of European projects. She also underlined the success of the previous editions, at which there were 5-10 pitches yearly, half of which ended up becoming successfully funded projects. 

After this, our Vice President Bogdan CHELARIU introduced the first two speakers from the European Commission: Christina NANOU from DG RTD and Tim CAULFIELD from Urban Innovative Actions. Both presented future initiatives within the new programme Horizon Europe in support of innovation and digitalisation.  After this interesting section, ten speakers on behalf different organisations shared with us successful projects to be inspirations for the rest of the audience. Viorika DISHNICA from ART-ER was the moderator.  

The third section was the pitch of new project ideas with ten speakers showing us the ideas they have for future European projects, what they are about and how the profile of partners would suit them. All of this with the hand of our moderator Ida PROSPERI from Sviluppo Marche, the Regional Development Agency of Marche Region, Italy. Lastly, Amna POTOČNIK from RRA-PODRAVJE moderated the last section of the event with fourteen speakers describing their agencies and organisations and their activities and interests. The number of participants was stable throughout the event and we received many comments, suggestions, shared information, and questions from by the audience through the chat box.  The main objective of this annual event is matching different organisations to create strong linkages and to find out more about each other.

This year, due to the pandemic, it was not possible to meet personally. Therefore, we asked all the participants to fill a participation template out to create a catalogue. Thanks to all the participants and their valued collaboration, we have created a catalogue of more than 200 pages with over 80 organisation profiles. You can download it here. Through this tool, organisations will be able to connect and interact each other in order to build future partnerships in a more straight-forward way. 

You can see all the information of the past events and this year’s event on our Brokerage website with some profiles and the catalogue.  

Should you happen to have any question about the event or the catalogue, please contact our colleague Julia COLOMER