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AGORADA 2021 - Just one month left!

Since its beginnings, AGORADA has been designed to deliver, in one day, what the participants and their institutions can normally only achieve through weeks of work. This international event provides regional practitioners a complete overview of the main opportunities contained in the upcoming EU programmes for Development Agencies.

Since 1992 AGORADA has been EURADA’s main conference held in spring time. This international event provides regional practitioners a complete overview of the main opportunities contained in the upcoming EU programmes for Development Agencies. Through the event, the principal strategies and thematic priorities the EU has at the moment are evaluated by high-level experts in the field of regional development, and this year, we will continue this path even if it has to be online. 

AGORADA 2021 “Opportunities for Development Agencies in the next multiannual financial framework (2021-2027)” on May 27th at 10:00 (CET), will consist of a two-hour bilateral conference between specialists from Regional Development Agencies and the European Commission. We will hear first-hand about three main policies of the European Union in the field of economic development.  Firstly, we will discuss the challenge of climate change through the European Bauhaus. We consider the awareness of RDAs on this new period full of initiatives and ideas a priority, wherein the European Bauhaus should be seen as the beginning of an innovative co-design process in which it is decisively committed to accessibility, sustainability and investment to achieve the Green Deal.   

We will also discuss Interregional cooperation as the engine of economic growth, with special emphasis on the ERDF 2021-2027. Finally, we will analyse the advantages of International cooperation, together with the new possibilities provided by the IURC programme through the opportunity to work with regions not only in Latin America but also in China either through pairings or clusters.  Since its beginnings, AGORADA has been designed to deliver in one day what the participants and their institutions can normally only achieve through weeks of work. The unique concentration of high-level guests from European institutions, umbrella organisations, policy makers, development agencies and companies allow this international conference to have an potentially enormous impact.    

In recent years we have dealt with topics such as the financial instruments to fuel Regional Development (2016), the Watify initiative and the Internet of Things (2017), the opportunities and success stories from Industry 4.0 (2018) or the exploitation of the full potential of social enterprises (2019). Even though this year will be different because of the global pandemic, we hope AGORADA 2022 will once again be on our premises. Until then we will take advantage of this situation in 2021, taking into consideration that we will be able to have direct contact with experts from the European Commission and with specialists from all corners of Europe. Moreover, it is the key to better comprehend the challenges that we face ahead with the pandemic; and to understand how current trends in these areas will shape policies and impact our lives in the future. 

COVID-19 has limited us in many ways, but not in continuing to grow and fostering solution-oriented exchange through the organization of international events such as AGORADA.  EURADA highly encourages you to take part in this stellar event that enables networking and brings local and regional agents of development closer to the EU institutions.