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A European delegation to learn from the Centre-Val de Loire's good practice in innovation strategy

We are proud to have between our member community such a recognise region as Centre-Val de Loire, represented at EURADA by DEV'UP Centre-Val de Loire. They received the visit of an European delegation as part of one of the European programmes about the exchange of good practices.

Centre-Val de Loire is a region located in the center of northern France and is recognised at European level for its innovation policy progress and for the quality of the support provided by its economic ecosystem in this area. Due to the participation of DEV’UP in the Interreg Europe project “Beyond EDP”, on 1st March they hosted a European delegation, the aim of the visit was to learn more about the Region's best practices and to know first-hand it’s economic development agency, DEV'UP Centre-Val de Loire, member of EURADA.

DEV'UP Centre-Val de Loire introduce them to the regional ecosystem and share their methods for implementing the regional innovation strategy for smart specialisation (SRI-SI). Among other things, they were presented with the regional systems and tools developed to support innovation in regional companies (entrepreneurial discovery process, methodologies adopted, etc.), concrete examples of synergies in the region to promote innovation, etc.

We are sure it was a very useful day for both parties and we are happy that our member, DEV'UP Centre-Val de Loire, has been consider as participant of the programme of exchange of good practices, funded by the European Union, aimed at strengthening the support of actors in European regions to companies for their economic development.

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