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ADERLY (Invest in onlyLyon) – New investment: Granuplast France SAS (Thierry Aubrun)

Aderly, Regional Development Agency of Lyon and member of EURADA, offers a presentation of its achievements and projects, and some testimonies of clients and partners. We would like to highlight one of their latest partnerships, Granuplast, which they have supported for its expansion.


In line with one of the actual main global concerns with regards to climate change and green transition of business sector, we are delighted to report about one of the latest Aderly´s partnership related with circular economy. Granuplast, a plastic recycling specialist created in September 2020 and based in Jassans-Riottier. The company collaborates with sorting collectors to collect plastic from collectivities. Thanks to their plastic treatment process, the group can reintegrate the recycled material into the industrial circuit and therefore reduce pollution. If Granuplast achieves its objectives, the factory will transform 100 to 120 tons of products per day.


ADERLY was a partner of this project since the begging and has support them during the search for the factory building, accelerating their production started date 2 or 3 years.  The Lyon agency therefore directed them towards a building to be renovated to launch this positive impact adventure. For business consolidation any help is a breakthrough, and our members know that.


Find the whole news and Thierry Aubrun founder of Granuplast interview here