This meeting will dig into the challenging issues that heritage cities face in transforming and adapting their historic and protected sites to carve a positive energy future.
This event will be divided into 2 main parts:
- A roundtable that will feature keynote speakers like Ceciel Nieuwenhout and Laia Guitart Caritg who will further explain the legal/regulatory framework for sustainable cities and positive energy districts and Niels Sijpheer who will focus on the process of the social, legislative and technical preparation in the Dutch context.
- A world café section that will have the presence of Andreas Jaeger (ICLEI) who will first provide an overview of common neighbourhood-level scheme features, identifying successes as well as challenges encountered and highlighting good replicable practices across Europe. Afterwards, participants will have the choice to join a table moderated by either Andreas or other POCITYF ogranisers to elaborate more on sub-questions related to the topic.
Interested? You can register to join the meeting in person here. If you prefer to join the meeting online, register here.
The Smart Heritage Cities WG is open to all interested stakeholders: local authorities, regional development agencies, their stakeholders or EURADA members can apply. If your organisation is interested in joining this WG you can sign up here.