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Interreg Europe CYBER Project enters its second phase

By ICE (Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León) & Rosa Escamilla


Interreg Europe CYBER aims to boost the competitiveness of…

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First calls of the European Defence Fund (EDF) 

By Esteban Pelayo - Director of EURADA


The European Commission is going to launch the first calls of the European Defence Fund before the summer.…

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NextGenerationEU: a recovery package to support the European economy

Article written by Giacomo Frisanco – Project and Communication officer at EURADA 


NextGenerationEU is an European Union recovery package, which…

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Jeff Finkle, IEDC CEO, retires next February 2022

By Rosa Escamilla


On June 14, Jeff Finkle, President and CEO of the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), announced his retirement by…

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Classes to look forward to: What to expect in EURADA’s summer course 2021

By Ivana Rae Almora


From networking to finance, EURADA organizes several main events which regional development practitioners participate in and…

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EURADA becomes a member of the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Expert Group

We are happy to announce that EURADA – European Association of Development Agencies has been accepted to become a member of the Commission expert…

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Online event - ENergy TRANsitions from Coal and carbon: Effects on Societies

"Co-creating knowledge on carbon-intensive regions in transition: EU Policy and Scientific approaches"

Online from Brussels, 10th June 2021, from…

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LYON, BERLIN and ROTTERDAM joining forces to tackle the Talent challenge faced by European SMEs under the EU-funded project TALENT


Gathering 3 European economic development and innovation agencies, ADERLY – Invest in Lyon (member of EURADA Board of Directors with Cédric Grignard…

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