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Support resources for young entrepreneurship in the Circular FAB of Moraleja

FUNDECYT-PCTEX, member of EURADA, has organised the event "Support resources for youth entrepreneurship" held at the Circular FAB in Moraleja.

This event, organised by the FUNDECYT-PCTEX team, together with Ruralizate within the framework of the RAISE Youth project, served as a meeting point for different organisations and actors from the region, companies, public institutions and young people from Extremadura. With the aim of disseminating different support resources that favor the creation and promotion of entrepreneurial activities of young people in Extremadura, this conference has followed a hybrid modality, combining face-to-face and online attendance. 

RAISE Youth Specific Objective is to pilot and promote an innovative RAISE Model of (self)employment, for youth NEETs based on sustainable agri-business in 4 rural regions of EU with high unemployment rates and depopulation. By developing a social innovation, new jobs will be created and filled, using principles of sustainable development in agribusiness, especially rural tourism which is a multiplier of employment and economic development. 

This has been the starting point for the dissemination of the RAISE Youth Incubator, as it has been made known to potential users and to organisations and institutions working directly with young people in rural areas. 

From EURADA, we want to show our support to this kind of initiatives focus on the future generations, to motivate them, which we are sure it will have a positive impact on the labor market of the region. 

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