It is with pleasure that I announce that I have been appointed as the new Director of EURADA by our Board of Directors and by the Assembly of Members. In the upcoming year I will manage our Association to pave the way to the reorganisation of its secretariat, the introduction of updated member policies and services, and the activation of new and reinforced alliances in Europe and beyond.
This step means that after the completion of all legal and statutory procedures, Mr. Bogdan Cherlariu was appointed as our new President until the next elections, to be held at the end of 2023. I, Bogdan, the Secretariat and all Members wish to express our gratitude for the dedication of our former Director Esteban Pelayo.
I am thrilled and enthusiastic about this new challenge as I believe that leaving one’s comfort zone is always enriching, both in one’s professional and daily life. I know I can count on the support of the new President, my colleagues, the members of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and the whole Assembly.
Moreover, our Secretariat is composed of young and highly skilled professionals, as well as brilliant interns who show an enthusiastic approach to work and life, and I am sure that together we will shape a bright future for EURADA.
The celebration of EURADA’s 30th anniversary allowed us to prepare the ground for this renewal, during which we will always take into consideration the foundations that constitute EURADA, as well as the visionary capacity that is provided by our Members and a large network of practitioners in socio-economic development.
I hope that we will stay connected and continue to exchange ideas and common projects starting with AGORADA+ and Clusters meet Regions Conference in Zagreb on 29 and 30 November (Event Agenda).
We, the Development Agencies and EURADA, are aware that next year will be a tough one, but we know that thanks to our resilience and our proactive approach, we can contribute to building better perspectives for our societies.
I wish you and EURADA a fruitful and happy 2023.