The series of one-hour online events has been designed by the European Patent Office (EPO) and Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) to meet the needs of business decision-makers, venture capital investors, and IP professionals in small and medium-sized enterprises. The forums will be held in a lively one-hour live-case study presentation format, plus an optional one-hour meet-the-speakers session.
The forums will take place online on the following dates:
- Growth-financing 15th March, 17.00-19.00 hrs (CET)
- Build-to-sell 24th March, 17.00-19.00 hrs (CET)
- Licensing 1st June
- Open innovation 15th June
It is already possible to register to the first two forums:
The objectives of this series are to share best practices on intellectual asset management illustrated by success stories of innovative enterprises; to enable high-growth technology enterprises and stakeholders in their innovation ecosystem to gain deeper insights, based on expert discussions; provide key take-away messages to the audience; and to address specific questions in the meet-the speakers session.
For more information on the agenda and the speakers, and to register free of charge for the forums, please visit Event Growth-financing and Event Build-to-sell.