The objective of the ‘Clusters meet Regions’ initiative is to facilitate the implementation of good practices where clusters play an active role in regional economies and are drivers for economic transition, and to create and promote collaborations between clusters and regional stakeholders for the industrial development of the regions.
The European Clusters Collaboration Platform (ECCP) has recently released the Call of Expression of Interest to select the national/regional authorities and clusters organisations to run each of these important events. Each workshop must be designed to be beneficial for cluster managers and policy makers, with the ultimate objective of ensuring that clusters are central to the process of putting the European Union’s regional economic, business and social goals into action.
This call for applications is addressed to any clusters stakeholder who is either actively participating in, or interested in, the economic development of their region. It is open to institutions such as clusters, regional agencies for economic development, and business network groups. Please note, a letter of support from your regional authority is needed if you want to apply. Proposals from national and/or regional authorities are also welcomed.
EURADA, as part of the consortium of the European Clusters Collaboration Platform (ECCP) project is coordinating these past and upcoming workshops. So, if you think you could organise one of these 13 events, we highly encourage you to take advantage of this unique opportunity and apply by filling the Application Form. For more information on the organisation of a ‘Clusters meet Regions’ event, please read the White Book.
For further assistance, you can contact: clustersmeetregiones(at)