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Self-assessment tool for the future of smart specialisation strategies

EURADA and its members are reflecting closely on the future of S3 for European regions. Mr Saublens (former director of EURADA) and the Joint Research Centre have been working towards the development of a paper with a view to providing new methodologies for implementation, coherence evaluations, and checks regarding the delivery of impact. 

It is an excellent document, to help regional economic practitioners to assess how is implemented their smart specialisation strategy. It could be used to get internal support and involve stakeholder. You are invited to read it here.

Equally, on 15 April 2021, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre and the Committee of the Region will organize  the 'Smart Specialisation for the Recovery Workshop' . This workshop will count on the Commissioner Mariya Gabriel's keynote speech alongside the President President of the Committee of the Regions (Apostolos Tzitzikostas). The event will have presentations from experts like Markku Markkula, Christian Saublens or Mikel Irujo, Minister of Economic and Business Development of the Government of Navarra. Please follow this link for additional information: